3. COTOBA Agent dialog engine API

3.1. Dialog API

This API is used when the dialog engine is launched using the REST API class (programy.clients.restful.yadlan.sanic.client). Send a request to the bot that includes the user’s spoken text and get a response from the bot that includes the response text.

Item Content
Protocol HTTP
Method POST

3.1.1. Request

The contents of the dialog API request are as follows.

  • Request Header
Field Name Value Description
Content-Type application/json;charset=UTF-8 Specifies JSON as the content type and UTF8 as the character code.
  • Request Body
Item Name Key Type Required Description
Locale locale string No Language specification: Specifies a hyphenated combination of country code ISO-3166 and language code ISO-639 . Examples: ja-JP, en-US, zh-CN. If not specified, it will operate in the language specified on the bot side.
Time Information time string No Requestor time. It is specified in ISO8601(RFC3339) format. Example: 2018 - 07 - 01T 12:18:45 + 09: 00. If not set, it operates at server time.
User ID userId string Yes Specifies a unique ID for each user.
Topic ID topic string No Specifies the scenario ID from the dialog scenario. If not specified, it works as topic owned by dialog engine.
User Utterance utterance string Yes The user’s utterance.
Task Variables Deleting deleteVariable boolean No When set to true, the variables set by data attribute of the set/get in the AIML description will be deleted all at once. The variables set by name and var are not deleted.
Metadata metadata string No You can set either JSON format metadata or strings. If the data you set up is to be used in a dialog scenario, the dialog scenario must be written to use this metadata. See Using Variables in Dialog API Data for more information.
Config config   No Settings for dialog engine operating conditions
Log Level logLevel string No Sets the dialog log output level for the dialog engine. The setting values are as follows. none: Do not output the dialog log, error: Output a dialog log that is greater than or equal to the error level, warning: Output a dialog log that is greater than or equal to the warning level, info: Output a dialog log that is greater than or equal to the operation status, debug: Output a dialog log that is greater than or equal to the debug dialog log. The large/small relation of the dialog log output is none<error<warning<info<debug. If unspecified, the dialog log output level remains unchanged.
  • Example of Request
POST /v1.0/ask HTTP/1.1
Host: www.***.com
Accept: */*
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

    "locale": "en-US",
    "time": "2018-07-01T12:18:45+09:00",
    "userId": "E8BDF659B007ADA2C4841EA364E8A70308E03A71",
    "topic": "greeting",
    "utterance": "Hello.",
    "deleteVariable": false,
    "metadata": {"arg1":"value1","arg2":"value2"},
    "config": {"logLevel":"debug"}

3.1.2. Response

The body of the response to the dialog API request is in JSON format. The response codes for dialog API requests are listed below. It may also return response codes (HTTP status codes other than those listed below) that are not part of the dialog engine. In this case, the contents of the response body are undefined.

  • Response Code
Code Description
200 Request successful.
400 Parameter error. The content of the request needs to be reviewed.
403 Permission error. The API key needs to be reviewed.
404 Specified bot-id does not exist.
  • Response Header
Field Name Value Description
Content-Type application/json;charset=UTF-8 Specify JSON as the content type and UTF8 as the character code.
  • Response Body
Item Name Key Type Required Description
User Utterance utterance string Yes A user utterance that is processed inside the dialog engine. Returns the result of internal processing such as the character normalized from Full-width alphanumeric to Half-width alphanumeric and normalizing Half-width kana to Full-width Kana.
User ID userId string Yes Specifies a unique ID for each user. Same as the userId of the request.
Response response string Yes The response from the dialog engine. Returns a UTF8 string.
Topic Name topic string Yes The name of the current topic.
latency latency number Yes In-engine processing time. The processing time from the receipt of the request to the return of the response, in seconds. It is the processing time including pattern match processing, intent recognition processing, and SubAgent processing registered in the scenario.
Metadata metadata string No Either JSON format metadata or a string is set. The content of the metadata is specified by the description in the dialog scenario.
  • Example of Response
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

    "response": "Hello, the weather is nice today, too.",
    "userId": "E8BDF659B007ADA2C4841EA364E8A70308E03A71",
    "topic": "greeting",
    "utterance": "Hello."

An example in which the user states “Play next song” in the dialog scenario corresponding to music playback, and the dialog scenario is written to set the playback instruction information in metadata.

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

    "response": "I will play the next song.",
    "userId": "E8BDF659B007ADA2C4841EA364E8A70308E03A71",
    "topic": "music_play"
    "utterance": "Hello."
    "metadata": {"play":"next"},

3.2. Debug API

The debug API is an API for retrieving error information and dialog history information that occurred when registering an uploaded zipped archive dialog scenario file with the dialog engine. You can get the dialog state including the past dialog. You can also set (Change) the value of a global variable for use during dialog.

Item Content
Protocol HTTP
Method POST

3.2.1. Request

This is the content set in the debug API request. Only pre-registered users can access the debug API endpoint.

  • Request Header
Field Name Value Description
x-dev-key yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Specify the API key obtained by x-dev-key in user-information .
Content-Type application/json;charset=UTF-8 Specify JSON as the content type and UTF8 as the character code.
  • Request Body
Item Name Key Type Required Description
User ID userId string No Specifies a unique ID for each user. If the user is unspecified or does not exist, the conversation and logs are not retrieved, only duplicates and errors are.
Variable List variables   No Specifies information about a variable set a value in a list format. If the user ID is not specified, the variable list specification is disabled. If the user does not exist, the conversation information including the updated variable information can be obtained, but there is no dialog history.
Variable Type type string No Specifies the variable type. The type that can be specified is ‘name’ or ‘data’. (Specify with key, value.)
Variable Name key string No Specify the variable name to set the value. (Specify with type, value.)
Value value string No Describe the value to be changed. (Specify with type, value.)
  • Example of Request
Host: www.***.com
Accept: */*
x-dev-key: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

    "userId": "E8BDF659B007ADA2C4841EA364E8A70308000000",
    "variables": [
            "type": "name",
            "key": "name_variable",
            "value": "0"
            "type": "data",
            "key": "data_variable",
            "value": "1"

3.2.2. Response

The body of the response to the debug API request is in JSON format. The response codes for debug API requests are listed below. It may also return response codes (HTTP status codes other than those listed below) that are not part of the dialog engine. In this case, the contents of the response body are undefined.

If variable list: variables is specified at the time of sending, information reflecting the variable setting is returned in the received data.

  • Response Code
Code Description
200 Request successful.
400 Parameter error. The request needs to be reviewed.
403 Permission error. The API key needs to be reviewed.
404 Specified bot-id does not exist.
  • Response Header
Field Name Value Description
Content-Type application/json;charset=UTF-8 Specify JSON as the content type and UTF8 as the character code.
  • Response body
Item Name Key Type Required Description
Speech Content conversations json Yes Acquires the dialog history of the specified user.
Scenario error information errors json Yes Acquires the error details when registering the dialog scenario.
Scenario duplicate information duplicates json Yes Acquires pattern duplication when registering a dialog scenario.
Log Information logs json Yes Acquires the dialog log contents output by the log tag in the template tag during the most recent dialog processing.
  • Example of Response
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

    "conversations": {
        "categories": 1251
        "client_context": {
            "botid": "bot",
            "brainid": "brain",
            "clientid": "yadlan",
            "depth": 0,
            "userid": "E8BDF659B007ADA2C4841EA364E8A70308E03A71"
        "data_properties": {
            "data_variable": "1"
        "exception": null,
        "max_histories": 100,
        "properties": {
            "topic": "daytime",
            "name_variable": "0"
        "questions": [
                "data_properties": {},
                "exception": null,
                "name_properties": {
                    "topic": "daytime"
                "sentences": [
                        "matched_node": {
                            "end_line": "92",
                            "file_name": "../storage/categories/basic.aiml",
                            "start_line": "78"
    "duplicates": [
            "category": {
                "end": "35",
                "start": "21"
            "description": "Dupicate grammar tree found [Hello]",
            "file": "../storage/categories/basic.aiml",
            "node": {
                "column": "9",
                "raw": "22"
    "errors": [
            "category": {
                "end": "None",
                "start": "None"
            "description": "Failed to load contents of AIML file : XML-Parser Exception [mismatched tag: line 238, column 25]",
            "file": "../storage/categories/ng.aiml",
            "node": {
                "column": "0",
                "raw": "0"
            "node_name": null
    "logs": [
            "info": "(templete log-node) log message"