20. Custom pattern element¶

The parser supports the AIML tags defined in pattern_nodes.conf.
You can change the implementation of the element or add your own.
Changing the implementation of an element may cause the parser to stop working or have a significant effect on performance or the behavior of other elements, so use it only after understanding the overall behavior.
#AIML 1.0
root = programy.parser.pattern.nodes.root.PatternRootNode
word = programy.parser.pattern.nodes.word.PatternWordNode
priority = programy.parser.pattern.nodes.priority.PatternPriorityWordNode
oneormore = programy.parser.pattern.nodes.oneormore.PatternOneOrMoreWildCardNode
topic = programy.parser.pattern.nodes.topic.PatternTopicNode
that = programy.parser.pattern.nodes.that.PatternThatNode
template = programy.parser.pattern.nodes.template.PatternTemplateNode

#AIML 2.0
zeroormore = programy.parser.pattern.nodes.zeroormore.PatternZeroOrMoreWildCardNode
set = programy.parser.pattern.nodes.set.PatternSetNode
bot = programy.parser.pattern.nodes.bot.PatternBotNode

iset = programy.parser.pattern.nodes.iset.PatternISetNode
regex = programy.parser.pattern.nodes.regex.PatternRegexNode
Each pattern element inherits programy.parser.pattern.nodes.base.PatternNode as a base class.
The base class for pattern elements, which encapsulates XML elements in node attributes of the pattern class. It also includes matching words to element types during pattern evaluation.

The main methods to override are the following:

  • def equivalent(self, other) - This method tests whether a processing element is equivalent to other evaluation elements.
  • def equals(self, bot, client, words, word_no) - This method determines whether a word matches the rules of an element.
  • def to_string(self, verbose=True) - This method converts element information to a string representation for debugging or logging.
  • def to_xml(self, bot, clientid) - This method converts the content of an element to XML format and uses it to output to Braintree in XML format.