2. Glossary

This chapter defines the terms used in the documentation.

2.2. cAIML

This section defines terms related to cAIML (COTOBA AIML) Used in the documentation.

Term Definition
AIML Abbreviation of Artificial Intelligence Markup Language. A language for writing dialog programs. AIML is written in XML format.
cAIML Abbreviation of COTOBA AIML. AIML with proprietary extensions by COTOBA DESIGN.
tag A tag (Start-tag ‘<…>’ and End-tag ‘< /…>’) defined in cAIML that specifies the basic structure of XML.
Element The main component of a tag. It is described in the notation of Start-tag <Element> and End-tag < /Element>.
Attribute The sub-components that make up the tag. It is described in the notation of the Start-tag <Element Attribute = “Value”>. There may be more than one attribute, but the same attribute cannot be specified more than one. The attributes that can be used are specified for each element. You can think of an element as a function and an attributed as an argument of the function.
Content A string written between the Start-tag and End-tag. It is written in the notation ‘<Element attribute = “Value”> contents </ Element>’. The content can describe a plurality of normal strings and other elements. As a result, cAIML is a nested description format similar to XML.
Element Name The name of the element for which you want to specify a particular element.
Attribute Name The attribute element to specify a specific attribute.
Attribute Value The value to set for the attribute. When it is described as an attribute value in cAIML, it is stipulated by double quotation.
block Refers to an entire element (Description between the corresponding Start-tag and End-tag) that contains content.
node An element name of a tree structure corresponding to an element when an XML data structure of cAIML is viewed as a tree structure.
NLU Refers to the intent recognition function called from cAIML.