18. Pre/Post Processors

There are two types of processors in the dialog engine: Pre Processor and Post Processor.
It is used when the utterance sentence needs to be processed before the dialog processing in the dialog engine, and when the response sentence from the dialog engine needs to be processed before the return.
  • The Pre Processors are processors that pre-process strings before processing them internally in the dialogue engine.
  • The Post Processors are processors that post-process strings before they are returned by the API for the response sentences that have been interacted with inside the dialog engine.

18.1. Pre Processors

Pre Processors inherit from the following abstract base class.


This class has a single method, process, which preprocesses the input string and returns the processed string. The returned string is used within the dialog engine to proceed with the dialog.

class PreProcessor(Processor):

    def __init__(self):

    def process(self, bot, clientid, string):

18.2. Post Processors

Post Processors inherit from the following abstract base class.


This class has a single method, process, which preprocesses the input string and returns the processed string. Use the returned string as a response to the end user.

class PostProcessor(Processor):
    def __init__(self):

    def process(self, bot, clientid, string):